Sales Tax is only collected from North Carolina.

If you reside in one of the forty-six States that require online sellers like Ebay and Reverb to add sales tax to your purchase, you already know how much it hurts. For example, a guitar neck that sells for $150 can cost you as much as $165 with tax. That's a 10% premium.

On this website, we do not charge Sales Tax on your purchases (does not apply to North Carolina). We are a small online seller and we come under the minimum threshold that these States require from online sellers to register for Sales Tax collection. However, when you buy from me on Ebay or Reverb, both companies will charge you Sales Tax.

States that don't have Sales Tax:- Oregon, Montana, Delaware and New Hampshire.
Alaska does not have Sales Tax, however there are Sixteen jurisdictions that have formed the Alaska Remote Seller Sales Tax Commission and they require online sellers to register with them.

The bottom line is you will save money buying from my website compared to my Ebay Store or Reverb Store.