This is a pre-wired upgraded 3-way harness for PRS SE Paul Allender version and the SE CE24
We are using all top-of-the-line components
1 Switchcraft long bushing short frame 3-way switch.
2 CTS 500k 24 spline custom pots with 5% tolerances.
1 Mallory 150 Mustard Tone .022uf cap
1 Switchcraft input Jack
Premium Gavitt push back wiring
This is a new range of CUSTOM CTS 500K Pots that we are using. (They have a better taper that drops off gradually and not rapidly. They also use a long-life wiper). We measure all our pots before building your harness and guarantee that the pots are either 500k or higher (Once the harness is built, the Pots do drop a couple of K-Ohms) that's normal. If we find a pot under 500k, we discard it. Regular CTS Pots have a +/- 20% which means you could have a pot as low as 400k and anything below 500k starts to sound thin. The lower it is, the thinner it is.
In my guitars, I use Mallory Mustard Tone Caps, I prefer them, and in my opinion, they are far superior to Orange Drops. The Mallory's are smoother and cleaner sounding with more mids. When you wind them down, they don't go dark and muddy like the Orange Drops. If they are good enough for Joe Bonamassa, they are good enough for me.